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Welcome to our Alternative Asset Guides.

There are many Investment opportunities available, but how should you decide where to Invest?

Our 99 Alternative Asset Guides give you free essential information & ideas on many aspects of investing.

Global Economic Overview

The global economies are growing amidst fears of recession but it is estimated the economy will return to the long term growth soon. Trade tensions hit corporate confidence and capital investment slowing down progress in the last year.  Investors faced risks posed by policy uncertainty and trade conflicts and there were many other trends which effected global economic performance.
The expert predictions for 2020-2021 global economy are based on previous years’ developments. You can order the latest version of our Alternative Investments Guide to know more about the most dominant factors influencing global markets and investments in 2020 -2021.
Some of the basic economic fundamentals covered in the guide are -

  • The IMF Global projection is estimated to be 3.3 per cent in 2020 and 3.4 per cent for 2021.
  • Globally the impact of US - Iran tensions and friction between the US- trade partners could lead to deterioration of sentiments causing growth to fall below the baseline. World GDP fell to one of the lowest since the 2008 recession to 2.9 per cent last year (as per OECD).
  • The UK formally left the EU in Feb 2020, which marks the beginning of transition period until the end of the year, while, it continues to apply and be bound by the EU laws. For a business, this means free movement of people and goods allowed across the border.
  • The US job market indicates continued strength and evident abundance of jobs. The extent of the expansion in US manufacturing is, mainly, due to the increase in strong orders in the military equipment and aircraft sector. The market sentiments were boosted by the bottoming out of the global trade and positive news regarding US-China trade negotiations .
  • The resolution of US/China trade dispute and signing of the new USMCA trade accord seems positive, while, it remains to be seen what impact the virtual shutdown of the Chinese economy due to corona-virus will have on the rest of the world.

99 Alternative Investments Guide is a comprehensive guide into income-growth strategies and global trends for capital preservation during chaotic market conditions. The guide provides insight into 99 different types of global asset categories for diversification. It covers traditional and innovative categories in collectibles, real estate, precious metals, commodities, energy sector, stocks, hedge funds, bond, currency, forex, bitcoin, spread betting, mobile apps, gaming, technology, entertainment, bank investments , etc.

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Global Economic Overview

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