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Welcome to our Alternative Asset Guides.

There are many Investment opportunities available, but how should you decide where to Invest?

Our 99 Alternative Asset Guides give you free essential information & ideas on many aspects of investing.

Energy Guide

The rapid growth in the world’s population and the escalating demand for urbanization continues to drive the energy prices. Everything we use today from automobiles to appliances works on power. The industry involves the electrical power, gas, coal, crude and renewable sector.

No industry has a bigger impact on the world than the oil and gas. It is a highly regulated market where the governments control and restrict the participation of private companies. Carbon emissions in some of the advanced economies have dropped significantly in last few years due to increased dependency on renewable sectors like hydroelectric power, biomass, thermal stores, solar water heating etc.
Investors can register and download the latest version of our Alternative Investment Guide to know in detail about categories on yields, expenses, diversification and stocks and shares.

Some of the basic fundamentals covered in the guide are -

  • How the global electricity demand has been growing, while, the global agencies are trying to devise policies to reduce harmful emissions of fossil fuels.
  • Wind has become the longest established, next to come to commercial viability. Because of the oil and gas price, it is now attractive for diversification.
  • Oil output is expected to keep growing to meet the demand. There are diverse investment options in the oil and gas sector where one can invest in upstream oil or natural gas drilling or in mining stocks of companies like coal and uranium mining.
  • The world recorded significant growth in the alternative investments in carbon centric fuels and the greatest competition in the sector comes from the environmental friendly sectors.
  • In the last few years, the demand for green technologies and PV installation grew significantly. The global agencies expect such systems to supply at least 30 per cent of the global requirements by 2040.
  • Also, there are a number of alternative sectors in the conservation and storage like an electric battery.

99 Alternative Investments Guide is a comprehensive guide into income-growth strategies and global trends for capital preservation during chaotic market conditions. The guide provides insight into 99 different types of global asset categories for diversification. It covers traditional and innovative categories in collectibles, real estate, precious metals, commodities, energy sector, stocks, hedge funds, bond, currency, forex, bitcoin, spread betting, mobile apps, gaming, technology, entertainment, bank investment, etc.

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