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Welcome to our Alternative Asset Guides.

There are many Investment opportunities available, but how should you decide where to Invest?

Our 99 Alternative Asset Guides give you free essential information & ideas on many aspects of investing.

Antiques Guide

The traditional asset classes face a decline in price during market turmoil but investment-grade antique witness an appreciation irrespective of the market factors. Widespread institutional investors seek opportunities in the alternative tangible asset class that grow during the financial crisis. The performance of stocks and bonds was down in 2008 -2009, and it gained in the last years, but structurally the global markets are weak and heavily indebted. In such circumstances, the traditional assets like gemstones, exotic antiques and precious metal items are getting natural appreciation in value.

Investors can register and download the latest version of our Alternative Investment Guide to know in detail about antiques.

Some of the basic fundamentals covered in the guide are –

  • Know about the categories - antiques atlas, bone china, vintage car, antique watches, antique art, memorabilia, furniture, glassware, precious metal items etc.
  • Items older than 40 to 50 years are considered valuable but even those bought in the 1980s can be a rare luxury material. Know how to identify a rare valuable collection.
  • The era of excesses 1970s and 1980s are known for the aura of antiqueness, great geometric designs, bright primary colours and lavish use of luxury material. The ultra high end is dominated by the securities markets and some fine art items are specifically attractive to uber-wealthy financially elite buyers. Know the factors that support investment in various categories of collectibles like scottish antiques and vintage watches.
  • Know about the diverse strategies adopted by buyer and sellers, get the list of certain annual sale events, antiques trade gazette and get antiques roadshow experts views.

99 Alternative Investments Guide is a comprehensive guide into income-growth strategies and global trends for capital preservation at the time of chaotic market conditions. The guide provides insight into 99 different types of global asset categories for diversification. It covers traditional and innovative categories in collectibles, real estate, precious metals, commodities, energy sector, stocks, hedge funds, bond, currency, forex, bitcoin, spread betting, mobile apps, gaming, technology, entertainment, bank investment, etc.

Register today and download your free guide.


Collectable & Antiques

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