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Employment fraud

Some firms post fake adverts on various platforms to seek CVs or personal details of job seekers who get a call from someone posing as an employer or a job agent, and prospective employee is told that the firm is preparing to consider them for a position. 

They are asked to fill in a questionnaire or a form and give an interview over the phone. Once you get an offer, the agent contacts you and arranges your placement. They may tell you the job is abroad, and you must submit certain documents to travel abroad or get accommodation or visas. 

They may refer the job seeker to an agency to arrange for all the required papers like visas and work experience certificates, and you may be asked to pay a fee for all the arrangements. 

Once you pay for travelling, they seek payments for arranging a hotel or accommodation, and sometimes, they get all your details only to steal information and transfer funds from your account into theirs. 

Some placement sites will ask the clients to apply for a job, but there is no job vacancy, and they seek a fee that goes to fraudulent sites

If you have suffered any such fraud where you have paid all the fees, given up the previous job and left your accommodation to move to a new place and then you are informed that you are no longer considered for the job or if the employer refuses to accept your call, you should inform it to the authorities.

How To Spot It?

  • If you are contacted by someone claiming to be an agent offering a new job, they ask you to fill in a questionnaire where you must provide personal information and contact address details.

  • If you have transferred funds into the account of agents who seek payment as administrative or accommodation fees to get a job.

How To Protect Yourself?

Stop communication with such an agency(agents) that asks to pay you to get a job. Also, note all the activities or communications and report them to the legal authorities.

If you have transferred money to any such firm, contact your bank to stop processing the request.

Warn the website operators where you placed your CV about the cheating you faced by someone who claimed to be their agent. 

How To Recognise A Fake?

  • The documents and communications sent by a reliable firm should not have grammar or spelling mistakes.

  • Ask the embassy or inquire through the embassy and take essential steps to stop illegitimate activities.

  • Always check all the details related to the job offer to know whether it exists. Also, you can contact the firm directly to confirm the opportunity.

  • If you are asked to pay for travel or accommodation, tell the employer you can make it yourself and be careful if they try to dissuade you. Carefully check the email details, and report the crime to the regulatory agencies if you face issues.

Date Published: Sep 12, 2023

Types of fraud

A-Z of fraud

To help understand which fraud you've been affected by, we've categorised them into an alphabetical list.

What is fraud and cyber crime?

Cybercrimes can be of two types. First, it can be cyber dependent, where the fraudsters use online devices to convince the victim to accept their offers.

Advance fee fraud

If you are trying to get a loan for a house or a car, they ask to meet the provider to get the financing arrangement and pay the finder's fee in advance.

Corporate fraud

Corporate frauds can be complicated, committed either by the firm or an individual. Nevertheless, it mostly involves cheating where the employee or the firm.

Individual fraud

There are many types of individual frauds related to advance fees, investments, insurance brokers, bogus tradespeople, Ponzi schemes, pension liberation.

Online fraud

Hence the number of cases of online fraud is increasing each year, and most such cases include – account takeover, direct frauds, or scams related domain names.

Identity fraud and identity theft

The criminal uses the stolen identity of another person living or deceased to conduct unlawful activities like obtaining goods or services in another's name.

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