Solar water heaters works by the process of circulating water and pressure system on the roofs heated by sun, stored through copper tubes. The water heater is highly efficient system used to save energies. It is efficient but some home owners feel the water pumping to the roof and its pressure can damage the house itself, especially, if the pressure is high where PVs used to heat water is easy to maintain and it offers eco friendly effective methods to harvest sun’s heat. The energy produced by the system is sent as electricity to the tank -which increases the temperature of water. PVs require less roof area to heat the same amount of water.
Globally, countries have laid roof top system where China has more than 27 million homes with such features and Germany relies on such energies for 50 per cent of the daily energy needs. Many countries in the EU are expecting to shift completely on renewables by 2050.
Technical issues and cost
Home owners adopting such energies are mostly confused by the technical terms used in it, as they are different ways installers are arranged or wired. The panels can be set in the way to enhance performance and a specific type of inverter can be used to get better output. The panels can be implanted in series where the voltage increases but the current in circuit remains the same. The wiring affects the electricity flow, voltage and current - ampere in the circuit. The set up can be made up of mono crystalline or polycrystalline silicone. Mono takes up lesser space and delivers better, even in, a low light, whereas, poly offers low cost circuits, which are not that competent but takes lesser space. The average cost of such panels can be up to £6,000.
In UK, the government support allowed people to get the set up cost where the payments were very generous initially, but now the payments are low and delayed, and the government is preparing to scrap the facility completely by March 31, 2019.
One an average the cost of installation can be gained in 20 years through output / energy saving, depending on the amount of energy use, but without the subsidies and financial benefits such set up will take more than 70 years to get back the initial cost. This is a long duration, where the panels won’t last for so long.
Those having the facility will not be affected by the change in policies related to solar, while, some may get the payment/ subsidies for 20 to 25 years.
Impact on house value
The implementation of such technologies on house areas or rooftops increases the value of the property as it provides substantial savings but if the technology used in the implementation is outdated, it will have adverse effect.
A number of manufacturing industries are concentrating on delivering latest development in the technology, which can provide efficient systems at a low installation cost that can reduce the price of previously installed system.
To find out more about solar water heater outputs and investment, check 99 Alternatives at (